Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fort Jefferson

 "From the air one gets a comprehensive view of the fortification and even more interesting to the Natural History lover the adjacent island where hundreds of thousands of birds nest under the vigilant guardianship of United States officials."
 "This old Citadel, now Fort Jefferson National Monument, was a formidable coastal defense about the time of the American Civil War.  Following termination of hostilities the Fortress was used as a Federal Prison and became known as the American Devil's Island.  Here Dr. Samuel Mudd of Maryland was imprisoned for giving medical aid to John Wilkes Booth, assassin of President Lincoln."
"Inside Fort Jefferson, down its labyrinth of gloomy corridors the visitor can envision the tragedy of Dr. Samuel Mudd, sentenced there as punishment for having set the broken leg of John Wilkes Booth, performing heroic work in a yellow fever epidemic among the garrison and prisoners and pardoned too late to do him any good.  Fort Jefferson is now a National monument."

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